How to Sponsor a Day Out for a Child With Cancer
Donate money to an organization or charity that works on sponsoring children with cancer. You can donate cash, write a check or use a credit card to support various charities either in person, online or by phone. Some agencies may also support cancer research so make sure you mention you want your donation to go toward a child's day out. Any amount helps, however big or small. Some agencies include the Children's Cancer Fund of America and Children's Cancer Association.
Organize a fundraiser to sponsor a child. Rent out a hall or plan a barbecue in a park, and invite the entire community. You can include face painting, races and games. All of the donations and funds earned go directly to a child to experience a dream day out.
Volunteer at a children's cancer organization. If offering money is not feasible, you can volunteer your time to help an agency sponsoring children with cancer. Any help is often accepted. You may volunteer to entertain the children, answer phones, help plan an event or perform janitorial work. Your free labor supports the organization, which, in turn, can spend money saved on labor to sponsor a day out for a child with cancer.
Encourage your company to host a sponsorship event. If you work in the entertainment industry, you can host an event for a child. Speak with your boss and co-workers, and develop a plan to have a sick child use your facilities at no cost for one day. Trips to an amusement park, carnival, circus, theater, sports event and music concert are usual wish destinations for sick kids.
Purchase items from charities that sponsor children with cancer. Organizations often sell artwork, jewelry and accessories to raise funds to support the cause. You can order a few items for yourself and family members or in bulk to use for gifts.
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