Takemoto IV Protocols
Dr. Arnold Takemoto
Arnold Takemoto received a bachelor of science in chemistry from Clarkson College of Technology in 1966. He conducted research at the University of Vermont Medical School and Medical Center and the University of Colorado Medical Center, designing innovative methods to study the immune system. He completed his studies at Denver University Graduate School, participating in a project funded by a National Science Foundation research grant. Dr. Takemoto is now the president and chief executive officer of BioImmune, Inc., a corporation dedicated to creating and providing complimentary cancer treatment protocols. He has served as a consultant to physicians and cancer clinics worldwide for over 30 years, regularly attending international medical conferences as a keynote speaker.
Takemoto protocols include ingesting natural and nutritional substances orally and intravenously. Immune Option Enhanced Powder is one such substance, consisting of over 60 ingredients designed to maintain healthy cells while fighting the daily generation of additional cancerous cells. The powder contains immune-modulating, immune-enhancing substances intended to increase white blood cell activity, ultimately designed to optimize chances of recovery and cancer remission.
The protocols vary from one specific form of cancer to the next, but all include increasing immunity through strengthening healthy cells while blocking the growth of cancer and increasing quality of life through improved nutrition. Certain cancers such as breast or prostate are hormone-driven, requiring slightly different treatment techniques than cancers such as lung or colon. All protocols are complementary and may be obtained in their entirety from BioImmune and its affiliates.
Research and Development
Dr. Takemoto organizes and conducts workshops focusing on his protocols in which medical professionals are invited to attend. Hands-on clinical approaches to examining and treating the immune system are explored at length, emphasizing a study of protocols tested through clinical trials. The workshops include a relaxed atmosphere and one-on-one interactions between participants and speakers.