How to Help Cancer Patients Cope
Return phone calls and emails the patient receives when she's unable to do so herself. Ask her to help you make a list of people she'd like to keep informed about her treatment and how often she'd like them to be informed of her progress. Call or email each person on the list at the appropriate intervals.
Run errands for the patient. Have the patient make a list of places you need to go. Help him keep track of what needs to be done; mental fogginess can be a side effect of chemotherapy.
Take her laundry home with you and do it. Return it in a couple of days.
Drive him to appointments and go in with him. For chemo treatments, take books and magazines for you both to help pass the time. For doctor appointments, take a pad of paper and a pen to write down what the doctor says for the patient. Go over the information with him when he feels up to it to ensure he understands everything the doctor said. The National Cancer Institute indicates that good communication between patients and doctors often helps the patient feel more in control. This feeling lessens the patient's anxiety.
Cook a week's worth of freezable meals and deliver them to her. Follow any nutritional guidelines set by the patient's physician and take into account whether the smell of any particular foods bring on nausea in the patient.
Arrange for the patient's housework and yard maintenance. Enlist a crew of friends to take turns performing the tasks.
Watch for signs of depression that occur frequently and don't go away. Signs include feeling sad most days, loss of interest in activities he used to enjoy, feelings of guilt and changes in sleeping habits. Some symptoms can be attributed to treatment, but that's for a doctor to determine. Talk to the patient about how he's feeling and explain why you believe he needs to see her doctor. Go with him to the appointment.