How to Deal With the Death of a Child Caused by Cancer
Call for support. It is important for grieving parents to remember that they are not alone; many caring people can assist with daily tasks. Rely on your family and friends to help with grocery shopping, caring for your other children and housework. This will open up more time for the very necessary grieving process.
Consider joining a support group. Working with parents who have had similar experiences can be helpful in understanding and managing your own grief. Groups like the Compassionate Friends work with parents to find new hope in lives that have been struck by the tragic loss of a child.
Focus your emotions into a new passion. Many parents who have lost a child to cancer are now involved with charities and organizations that strive to assist others in dealing with cancer. While nothing can replace a child lost before their time, focusing your energy into helping other parents and children can be a powerful experience that brings new meaning to your life.
Take the time to focus on your other children. While the grief over a lost child can be overwhelming, remember that your other children will be experiencing a wide range of emotions and will need help understanding what has happened. Siblings may feel fear, anxiety, anger, guilt or even jealousy over the attention directed at the lost child.