Lead Removal Tools
New Wall Tools
There are two ways to rid a room of lead paint. According to the New York's health department, one way is to cover the paint on an existing wall, the other way is to remove the paint. A wall with lead paint can be covered over with drywall, aluminum or vinyl. A powered screwdriver and appropriate screws will be needed secure the new wall over the old wall. You will also need a utility knife or a drywall or aluminum saw to cut holes for outlets.
Removal Tools
One method of lead-paint removal requires a wire brush or a wet hand scraping tool. Use these items with flame resistant solvents or abrasive composite. Apply liquid paint remover to windowsills or wood doors. Wet hand sanders can be used as well as heat stripping guns. Only use wet hand sanders with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter vacuum attachments. Additionally, use heat guns carefully as they raise the risk of fire and can produce harmful fumes.
Safety Tools
No matter if you choose to cover an existing wall or remove lead paint, you will need to wear dust masks and have dust-protection tarps to cover any furniture in the room while this process takes place. If you do not have covering for furniture, remove it from the room before you begin. For additional full body protection, New York's health department recommends wearing dust-protective gloves, safety glasses and coveralls. Always keep the room ventilated and consider using a HEPA respirator to keep air clean. Only HEPA respirators filter lead dust and fumes.
Removing lead paint can be harmful to adults, children and pets. Consult a professional with any questions or concerns.