How Fast Can an Iris Mole Eye Cancer Spread?
A melanoma starting in the iris often appears as a dark spot, similar to a mole, on the colored part of the eye. Some people have raised freckles on their irises called nevi. Unlike melanomas, nevi are benign growths. Any spot that changes in appearance, grows, or distorts the pupil requires examination by an eye care specialist.
Cancer Spread Rate
According to the National Institute of Health, iris melanomas grow slowly, rarely spread to other body parts, and have the best prognosis with 5-year survival rates over 95 percent. The Eye Cancer Network claims that only 1 to 5 percent of iris melanomas spread to other parts of the body. According to the University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology, "the overall rate of spread at 10 years is 3 to 5 percent."
According to the National Cancer Institute, non-growing, asymptomatic iris melanomas require careful watching and monitoring by an eye care professional. As long as tumor growth remains stable, invasive therapy is not required. Surgery, plaque radiotherapy, or eye removal are reserved for growing tumors. Tumor size dictates therapy type.