World Cancer Research Grants
WCRF International Research Grant Program
The focus of World Cancer Research Fund International involves uncovering the factors that contribute to cancer development. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, the WCRF provides funding grants for research projects that address the development, prevention and management of cancer. Issues such as exercise, food, nutrition and causative factors are considered in treating cancer. Based out of London, the WCRF accepts grant applications from every continent except North, South and Central America, which are administered through a different program. Grant awards are issued annually based on a grant panel made up of leading scientists from around the world. Maximum grant award amounts are about 250,000 pounds, or $389,000.
Regular Grant and RFA Programs
The WCRF International Research Grant Program consists of two parts---the Regular Grant Program and the Request for Application (RFA) Program. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, both the Regular and RFA Grant Programs address the effects of diet and weight management on cancer disease and development. The Regular Grant Program awards grants for projects that examine the effects of nutrition and exercise during different periods within the human life cycle, such as childhood, adulthood and old age. The RFA Grant Program delves deeper into these issues by identifying specific biomarkers that indicate cancer risk. Examples of biomarkers include abnormal blood level readings, DNA damage or elevated immune system responses. Grants awarded through the RFA Program address specific research areas that relate to knowledge contained within WCRF Expert Reports.
American Institute for Cancer Research Grant
The WCRF issues the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Grant to Canada, the Caribbean and North, South and Central America. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International, grant awards go to projects that focus on cancer prevention and cancer treatment methods. The AICR grant has three award categories--matching grants, postdoctoral awards and investigator-initiated grants. The AICR grant is endorsed by the National Cancer Institute with review panels consisting of the top researchers within the United States. As part of the postdoctoral award grant, the AICR offers the Marilyn Gentry Fellowship Program to doctoral students in an attempt to develop leaders within the cancer research area. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the program is a two-year fellowship that focuses on cancer prevention, nutritional research, and cancer treatment approaches.