What are symptoms with cancer that death is close?
1. Increased Weakness and Fatigue: Fatigue and weakness often become more pronounced as the disease advances.
2. Uncontrolled Pain: Pain may become more severe and difficult to manage.
3. Loss of Appetite and Cachexia: Decreased food intake and weight loss are common.
4. Confusion and Disorientation: Mental clarity may decline, and confusion can emerge.
5. Difficulty Breathing: Shortness of breath may persist due to factors like lung or pleural involvement.
6. Skin Changes: Changes in skin color, texture, and warmth may occur, including pallor and cool extremities.
7. Incontinence: Loss of control over bladder or bowels can occur.
8. Edema: Swelling in body parts may become evident.
9. Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes can occur with liver involvement.
10. Agonal Breathing: Irregular, shallow breathing pattern characterized by long pauses between breaths.
11. Cheyne-Stokes Breathing: Breathing pattern marked by alternating periods of rapid and slow breaths.
12. Death Rattle: Accumulation of secretions in the airways leading to a gurgling sound with breathing.
13. Decreased Level of Consciousness: Person becomes less responsive and gradually withdraws from surroundings.
14. Drop in Blood Pressure: Blood pressure tends to drop as the body's systems shut down.
15. Slow Heart Rate: Heart rate gradually decreases as the heart's ability to pump blood weakens.
16. Loss of Reflexes: Reflexes, such as the pupil and gag reflex, may diminish.
It's important to note that not all individuals will experience the same set of symptoms, as the progression of symptoms and the timing of death vary among individuals. Comfort care during this phase of illness is essential to provide support and manage the person's well-being.