Prognosis for Eye Cancer and Orbital Tumors
Rhabdomysarcoma is the most common orbital tumor found in children. Chemotherapy and radiation result in a 95 percent five-year survival rate in children with localized disease.
Burkitt's Lymphoma (BL)
BL is one of the most common childhood lymphomas. BL is an aggressive tumor with relapse being common in some types. BL requires long term treatment.
Lymphoid Tumors
Four to 13 percent of all orbital tumors are lymphoid tumors, which are the most common malignant orbital tumor found in adults. Twenty to 67 percent of people with lymphoid tumors eventually develop systemic lymphoma.
Neuroblastoma is the most common metastatic cancer in children; by the time this cancer is found, survival rate is less than 15 percent.
Lacrimal Gland Tumors
There are several types of lacrimal gland tumors that affect the orbit; the most common is adenoid cysic carcinoma, which carries a mortality rate of greater than 50 percent.