What Are the Causes of Carcinoid Tumors?
According to Mayo Clinic, these tumors are caused when a mutation occurs in a cell's DNA. These cells form a mass, causing a large amount of the cells to accumulate and cause a tumor.
Risk Factors
Some people are more at risk than others of developing a carcinoid tumor. Smoking, aging, genetics, and conditions that effect the gastrointestinal system can all contribute to carcinoid tumors.
Aside from the cancer cells spreading to other parts of the body and killing normal cells, carcinoid tumors can also cause complications such as stomach ulcers, carcinoid heart disease, Cushing's syndrome, and carcinoid syndrome.
Symptoms of this condition may vary, and include chest pain, diarrhea, recurrent pneumonia, bowel obstruction, difficulty breathing, rectal bleeding, and stomach pain.
The only treatment available for carcinoid tumors is surgery. The surgery will allow doctors to take out the tumor if caught early. If the cancer spreads to the liver, liver surgery may be needed to destroy the cancerous cells.