How to Publish Books About Cancer Patients
Consult with a local IP (intellectual property) attorney about obtaining the right to the individuals' stories that will be featured in your book. You will likely need each individual to sign a waiver of rights or a rights transfer form to avoid the threat of a lawsuit down the line. Expect to offer the featured individuals either an upfront sum of money or a percentage of total profits for this -- few people are willing to sell their story for free. Do not make the mistake of doing this without an attorney's advice, lest you wind up in the courtroom down the line facing one or more lawsuits.
Consider obtaining an agent to facilitate the smooth marketing of your book to publishers. An agent will help you to avoid making some of the mistakes commonly made by first time authors, along with knowing which publishing companies to approach (and how to approach them). Research your agent in depth before signing, contacting several of their other clients as well to discover whether the agent's "style" will mesh well with your own.
Shop around for a suitable publisher. Normally, publishers specialize in certain markets, so there is no point in sending your manuscript for a book about cancer patients to a publisher that deals with fantasy literature. Send a sample chapter along with a cover letter detailing the salient points about your project and be prepared to hear the word "no" quite a few times before finding someone willing to take a chance. Remain vigilant.