Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients
Thymus Protein
Thymus protein comes from the thymus gland located in the chest and is part of the immune system. As you get older this gland weakens. According to Blaylock, by taking a supplement of thymic protein you may fight off infection brought on by viruses. When under the effects of chemotherapy, your immune system is weakened and therefore thymic protein may aid in its strengthening.
Medicinal Mushroom
By consuming maitake mushrooms, Blaylock claims you'll increase your overall health and reduce the risk of cancer or assist in treating cancer. Maitake mushrooms in particular contain grifolan, a molecule that activates cells that block the growth of cancer tumors and boosts the immune system.
Ginseng, an herb used in Chinese, Korean and Japanese medicine, contains compounds that can combat cancer. By taking a ginseng supplement, according to Blaylock, you'll likely induce tumor cell death in the prostate and ovaries. You'll also be able to slow down growth of tumors of the lung and liver. Additionally, an ingredient of ginseng called ginsenoside inhibits the spread of certain types of cancer cells such as endometrial cells.