Differences Between T Cell & B Cell Receptors
T cell receptors (TCRs) and B cell receptors (BCRs) have different structures. They bind to different molecular structures and have different genetic codes.
There are two types of T cells and thus two types of TCRs: CD8 and CD4. CD8 T cells destroy the cells they bind to, such as virus cells. CD4 T cells group together to cause inflammation, which isolates an infected area so it can heal. This process helps build immunities.
Certain toxins in the body are soluble. B cells bind to these toxins and digest them into smaller pieces. After mitosis (nuclear division) and regeneration, B cells create plasma cells, which make antibodies. "Helper" T cells aid in this process.
Origin of Blood Cells
Blood cells are formed in bone marrow. When a leukemia patient's blood disease has destroyed the bone marrow, transplants are performed so healthy bone marrow can create more B cells and T cells.
CD4 Cells in AIDS
In AIDS patients, the human immunodeficiency virus destroys CD4 cells, which weakens and eventually destroys the patient's immune system. The body cannot fight infections without CD4 cells.