Natural Cures for Marjolin Ulcer Cancer
Skin Cancer
Your doctor should examine the skin cancer formations, so they can be identified as basal cell, squamous carcinoma, or melanoma. The size of your skin cancer growth will determine what kind of treatment the doctor uses for your Marjolin Ulcer. The doctor may be able to remove the Marjolin Ulcer with a form of liquid nitrogen, which allows the doctor to freeze the skin cells for their removal. Sometimes surgery is required for the removal of the cancerous tissue, and laser therapy might be offered to burn off cancerous tissue forming a Marjolin Ulcer. Your doctor may also perform Mohs surgery to remove the cancerous tissue from the affected area of your body, layer by layer, if you have a larger growth. Radiation treatment and chemotherapy treatments are commonly offered following surgical procedures to destroy any potentially remaining cancer tissues.
Flaxseed is a supplement that is ideal for treating issues related to the intestinal tract, but it is also cited as an excellent herb for treating cancerous conditions. Flaxseed contains lignans that help protect your body from certain forms of cancer; lignans mimic estrogens and other body hormones are considered a form of phytoestrogen. Flaxseed may even help in the prevention of the spreading of melanoma skin cancer. Consume flaxseed as a supplement by taking 1 tbsp two to three times a day; grind up the seeds and consume it with 8 oz of water. You can also consume two 2000 mg Flaxseed in capsule form by taking 1 to 2 capsules each day.
Flaxseed may interact or interfere with diabetic medications. You should not consume this herb if you have a familial history of cancer of the breast, prostate cancer, or diabetes. You should also avoid this supplement if you have schizophrenia. Flaxseed may interact with blood thinning medications, oral contraceptives, and drugs used for hormone replacement therapy.
Green Tea
Green tea is an excellent herbal remedy for skin cancer. This herb contains a polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate. These polyphenols in green tea offer anti- cancer agents and helps to hinder skin cancer growth and the formation of new skin cancer tumors. Drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea daily; green tea bags are sold in herbal shops and in grocery stores. Consume 100 to 750 mg of green tea extract daily. Do not take this herb if you have a heart condition, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The use of green tea may interact with adenosine, antiobiotics, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, blood thinning medications, chemotherapy, clozapine, ephinedrine, lithium, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, oral contraceptives, and phenylpropanolamine.