Multiple Myeloma Natural Diet
Multiple Myeloma
Unlike many cancers, relatively mild cases of Multiple Myeloma are dealt with not by surgery or medical treatment, but by mere observation--waiting for symptoms to abate or increase in intensity. When symptoms appear, these include localized pain in the bones or back, bleeding, random bone fractures and chronic fatigue. Conditions vary widely in severity--some cases are extremely aggressive while others can go years without developing any discernible symptoms.
Multiple Myeloma and Diet
There is no specific diet recommended to combat Multiple Myeloma. On the contrary, there exists only a series of general dietary suggestions to help reduce your risk of--or the severity of--cancer in general. The best step you can take to structure a diet against Multiple Myeloma is to ensure that you maintain a reasonable weight, as obesity is related to increased risk of cancer development.
General Diet Suggestions
According to the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Nutritional Therapy Center and the American Cancer Society, the best type of anti-cancer diet is one that is rich in whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables. Your diet should be structured around plant-based foods to maximize your odds against Multiple Myeloma. Especially potent cancer-fighting foods include cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower and all types of berries (for the antioxidants).
Distinction in Fats
Your anti-Multiple Myeloma diet should distinguish between healthy and unhealthy fats, as well. Generally speaking, unhealthy fats include any amount of trans fats and excessive amounts of saturated (animal) fats. Healthy fats include unsaturated fats like those present in olive oil, coconuts, nuts in general and certain fruits like avocados and coconuts. Keep your intake of dietary fat limited to 30 or less of your total daily calories to minimize your cancer risk.
Supplementing your diet with a daily multivitamin can ensure that your intake of nutrients is complete. While taking a daily vitamin is not a substitute for consuming fruits and vegetables at every meal, it can help "clean up" any areas of your diet that you have otherwise missed. According to the Multiple Myeloma Cancer Nutritional Therapy Center, adequate consumption of vitamins C and E is especially important for individuals attempting to avoid (or are dealing with) Multiple Myeloma .