Define Oncology
This of course is just a crude interpretation and involves so much more than what a few simple words on a page can represent. Oncology, simply stated is the study of cancer, a devastating disease in any definition from any language on earth.
Data from 2007 that was collected from the American Cancer Society stated that 1.44 million Americans will have cancer and that 560,000 will die from the disease that year. Their statistics proved frightfully accurate.
Cancer and oncology is a very general term describing a disease. The type, location and ferocity of the cancer are where specific areas of oncology or cancer are identified. Oncology or cancer is a science that works within these variables and used as a general term, as in the name of a hospital such as the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer and Research Hospital. The term "oncology" is used to name a section of a hospital, such as radiology oncology building. It is also used to identify a physician's area of practice, like John Doe, MD oncology or simply oncologist.
Tumors are a collective mass of tissue and cells. Some are very large while others are microscopic in size. Having a tumor does not indicate cancer, but is a classic sign of inflammation, which can be cancerous or benign. This is determined by varying means and depends highly on the location, type and size. If removable, a surgeon dissects the tumor cell and sends it to a pathologist for immediate diagnosis of benign or malignant tumor. This diagnosis is usually provided while the patient is still under anesthesia, so if needed and medically advised, it may be removed or reduced in size.
Radiology Oncology
Is a specialized form of oncology that deals with radiation treatment, usually delivered into the body by specialized delivery systems like a linear accelerator, placing a radioactive source next to the tumor or inside the body directly. This type of oncology is practiced only when a firm diagnosis of cancer has been established and if the cancer and site is appropriate for radiation therapy. Another very important factor is the desire to undergo such a vigorous treatment plan.
Other Types of Oncology
The name oncology itself as noted above is almost interchangeable with the term cancer. There are medical, surgical, radiation and sadly, pediatric oncology. The list of specialized oncologist and oncology seems almost endless.
With the advent of new medications and vaccines in the pipeline, perhaps these entire specialists would need to re-specialize in another area of medicine. However, until that day happens, there will be oncologist of every kind available for all.
The Final Word
Defining oncology, in the end truly depends on who answers the question. Literal definitions can be found just about anywhere. However, the truest definition will be found with those who are afflicted with cancer. They are the ones who have this word in their face every single day.