Stages of Esophageal Cancer
Stage 0
In stage 0 of esophageal cancer, the cancer has just started to develop and is found only in the tissue lining the inside of the esophagus. Most people have no symptoms of disease at this point, and survival rates are 80 to 90 percent for patients diagnosed at this stage of the disease.
Stage I
In stage I, cancer cells are found deeper in esophageal tissue than in stage 0, but the cancer is still contained in the esophagus. Patients in stage I of esophageal cancer usually remain asymptomatic.
Stage II
Esophageal cancer is present in all layers of esophageal tissue in stage II. Cancer may also be present in lymph nodes near the esophagus at this stage. Patients may begin to have some trouble swallowing at this stage and feel as though food is getting caught in their throat.
Stage III
Cancer is present in the wall of the esophagus and in tissue outside the esophagus in stage III esophageal cancer. The cancer has not spread to distant parts of the body, but is no longer contained within the tissue of the esophagus. Throat pain is common in this stage of the disease, and patients may have a hoarse voice and frequent hiccups.
Stage IV
In stage IV, the cancer has spread from the esophagus into other organs and parts of the body. Patients in stage IV of esophageal cancer frequently have a hoarse voice, weight loss and frequent hiccups.