Can Vegetables Prevent Cancer?
Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are known to have certain chemicals and phytochemicals that can help prevent cancer. A particular component of these vegetables transforms a dangerous type of estrogen into a safer one, helping to prevent breast cancer. Broccoli and broccoli sprouts contain a phytochemical called sulforaphane, which produces enzymes that destroys free radicals and carcinogens. Broccoli sprouts contain the most sulforaphane and are sold under the trade name BroccoSprouts. These vegetables also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, which are powerful antioxidants that help prevent prostate and other cancers.
Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene, which actually attacks free radicals that can cause cancer. The best way to take advantage of the lycopene is to cook the tomatoes, which actually concentrates the powerful antioxidant. Research shows that some oil needs to be consumed with the tomatoes in order for the lycopene to be properly absorbed. A great choice for getting some lycopene in your diet is by using a tomato sauce with some olive oil in it for cooking. Lycopene can help prevent cancers of the breast, prostate, pancreas and colon. It can also be found in watermelons, carrots, and red peppers, but in less concentrated amounts.
Besides being a great source for healthy fats in your diet, avocados have some potent cancer-fighting ingredients as well. They keep certain types of fat from being absorbed into the intestines that can cause free radicals. Avocados are particularly noted for helping to prevent liver cancer. They also contain good amounts of potassium and beta-carotene.
There has been some debate about the effects of beta-carotene on the body. Some scientists believe that too much beta-carotene can actually cause cancer. However, besides beta-carotene, carrots also contain a cancer-fighting ingredient called falcarinol. According to the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, when cancer cells are exposed to falcarinol, the cells grow much more slowly, thereby slowing down the spread of cancer. However, cooking the carrots will decrease the antioxidants, so they must be eaten raw to gain the full benefit.
Hot Peppers
Spice up your diet with some jalapenos and chili peppers. The ingredient that gives these vegetables their kick, capsaicin, has been shown to also help prevent cancer. It can neutralize nitrosamines, which cause cancer. Capsaicin is especially effective in helping to prevent stomach cancer.