Natural Cancer Healing
According to a Healing Cancer Naturally author, detoxification may be the key to beating cancer naturally. The creator of the website was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June of 2001 and was told that surgery was the only option. Instead, a cleansing program was started and within three weeks, there was no sign of the severe prostate cancer. A helpful book on the subject is The Toxic Mind, by Elnora Van Winkle, a neurophysiologist.
Diet and Nutrition
According to the Cancer News Journal's December 1979 edition, asparagus may be beneficial in helping cancer recovery. Richard R. Vensal, D.S.S., who specializes in diet and health related to cancer prevention and healing, says asparagus might have the ability to cure cancer. The asparagus should always be cooked before using. That means that canned asparagus works just as well as fresh asparagus. Asparagus, which contains no chemicals or pesticides is best. Place a handful of the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy, making a puree. Store in the refrigerator. Eat four tablespoons twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Patients typically show improvement within three to four weeks. The mixture can also be diluted with water and can be drank hot or cold.
Ginger and turmeric may also help to fight cancer. Ginger is great for stomach problems and aids in natural digestion. Both ginger and turmeric have been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells, according to the April 1999 edition of the British Journal of Cancer. Cancer patients should incorporate ginger and turmeric into their diet as much as possible.
Juice Therapy
Juice therapy is beneficial because fresh fruits and vegetables are used to make the juice. With the pulp and fiber removed from the fruit or vegetable, the nutrients are able to pass directly into the blood stream within minutes of ingestion. That means they quickly feed the cells and can help to restore the immune system. According to Max Gerson, M.D., patients should drink vegetable or fruit juice made from scratch two to three times a day or with meals.