Endocrine Cancer Therapy
Surgery is one of the most common treatment methods recommended to patients suffering from endocrine cancers. The extent of the surgery performed varies from patient to patient, depending on the growth and spread of the cancer cells. In the most common surgical procedure, a small part of the damaged gland is removed in order to prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body. However in certain serious and rare cases, the entire endocrine gland is surgically removed to prevent the spreading of the cancer.
Chemotherapy is another commonly prescribed treatment method for patients afflicted with different forms of endocrine cancer. In chemotherapy, certain anti-cancer medications, such as Velban and Pacitaxel, are injected directly into the damaged endocrine glands. These drugs are often effective in killing or damaging the cancerous cells present in the endocrine glands, thus preventing the spread of the cancer to other parts of the body.
Radiation Therapy
Another common treatment technique is radiation therapy. In this method, the cancerous tumor or cells present in the endocrine glands are subjected to high-wavelength radiations of light, which and be effective in destroying the cancer cells and diminishing the size of the tumors.
Certain medications, such as Nexavar (also called Sorafenib), are often prescribed to endocrine cancer patients. When injected directly into the cancerous cells in the gland, these medications slow the growth of new blood vessels around the cancer cells, preventing the growth and spread of the cancer.