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How to Prevent Cancer From Alcohol and Smoking

There is substantial evidence that smoking cigarettes or cigars and drinking alcohol may cause cancer. By using preventative methods, individuals can reduce the risk of cancer from alcohol and smoking. Along with abstinence, there are many things a person can do to build up immunity in her body and further reduce the risk of cancer.


  1. Instructions

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      Stop smoking now. Individuals who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day double their risk of cancer. Those who smoke two packs a day will triple their risk of developing cancer. However, almost immediately after the individual stops smoking completely, the risk of cancer starts to drop. There are many nicotine products that help individuals stop smoking, such as the gum and the patch. Consult your doctor if you need more than these products to help stave off the craving for nicotine.

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      Avoid drinking too much alcohol. Your body turns alcohol into a chemical called acetaldehyde. This chemical is what makes individuals feel hungover the morning after a large drinking binge. This chemical is also known to cause cancer by making the cells in the liver grow faster than normal. These cells are then more likely to have gene changes which can cause cancer to develop.

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      Drink red wine in moderation. Some experts suggest a glass of red wine each day will help reduce the risk of cancer and other health conditions. However, it's important to drink only in moderation. More than a glass of wine, a drink or a beer each day may increase the risk of cancer.

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      Change your diet to help reduce cancer. Fruits and vegetables can play a major role in the prevention of cancer. Eating the proper amounts of these foods in combination with abstinence from smoking and drinking too much alcohol can help prevent cancer. According to researchers, eating six servings of fruits and vegetables per 1,000 calories can help reduce the chances of cancer by 29 percent when compared with individuals who eat approximately 1.5 servings per 1,000 calories (see Resources section below).

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      Get regular exercise. Individuals should at least walk for approximately 15 minutes a day. Cardiovascular exercises and aerobic exercises can also be helpful in boosting the immune system as well as fighting off free radicals, which are known to cause cancer.

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      Obtain regular health screenings. Prevention is important when it comes to serious health conditions such as cancer. All individuals should obtain regular health screenings once a year or as directed by their individual physicians.

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