Spinal Cancer Treatments
Determining the Treatment Method
Before spinal cancer treatment can begin, several factors need to be weighed. The first thing the doctor will do is determine how big the tumor is and where it is located. Next, the doctor will perform the necessary tests to determine the stage of the cancer. Once the cancer is staged, the doctor will perform the necessary tests to determine if the cancer has spread to another part of the body or if it is secondary to another cancer.
A very common spinal cancer treatment is surgery. Surgery for spinal cancer is most often performed if the spinal cord tumor is small in size and in an area of the spine that is less sensitive. The surgeon will remove as much of the tumor as possible. The purpose of removing a spinal tumor through surgery is to treat the cancer as well as to preserve as much neurological function as possible.
Chemotherapy, also referred to as an anticancer drug, is often used as a spinal cancer treatment. This treatment method is defined as a powerful drug treatment with the ability to kill the fast-growing cancer cells that occur in patients with cancer. There are several different types of chemotherapy drugs and in some cases more than one may be used.
Radiation therapy is another form of spinal cancer treatment. Radiation is used because of its ability to damage and destroy cancer cells in turn controlling their growth and division. Radiation uses beams which omit waves or high-energy particles.
Chemotherapy Side Effects
Chemotherapy is a very effective spinal cancer treatment, but like all drugs it carries the risk of side effects. These side effects vary greatly in frequency and intensity from patient to patient. Patients who experience chemotherapy side effects are often prescribed additional medications to help counteract and alleviate them. The side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, fever, loss of appetite, mouth sores, fatigue, bruising easily and pain.
Radiation Side Effects
Radiation is not a drug, but side effects can occur. These side effects vary from patient to patient in frequency and intensity. Patients who experience radiation side effects are often prescribed additional medications to counteract and alleviate them. The side effects of radiation include fatigue, irritated skin, hair loss, sore throat, dry mouth, nausea, jaw and ear aches, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, cough, urinating frequently, upset stomach and diarrhea. The side effects experienced depend on where the radiation is aimed. In some cases side effects may not show up until after radiation is complete.
Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplants are a another type of spinal cancer treatment. Patients undergoing a stem cell transplant can receive their own stem cells, receive stem cells from an immediate family member (especially an identical twin) or receive stem cells from a stranger who is an approved match. The purpose of a stem cell transplant is to restore damaged stem cells. During radiation and chemotherapy, stem cells are often damaged, so replacing these stem cells can be very beneficial in treating spinal cancer.