Cesium Chloride Cancer Treatment
Mode of Action
Other modes of action are used in cesium chloride treatment. Cesium chloride does a number of destructive activities on the tumor cell in addition to causing increased pH levels. Cesium chloride also limits the tumor cell's intake of glucose, so the tumor is unable to get the energy nutrients it requires to survive. The use of cesium chloride also neutralizes the lactic acid, which allows the cell to proliferate, and it stops the fermentation process.
Scientists recommend a certain diet when using cesium chloride as a treatment. It's recommended that patients adhere to a raw food diet. Even acidic fruits are converted to alkaline in the body, so they can be eaten freely by cancer patients under cesium chloride treatments. Patients should avoid products such as soda since it has a high acidic content and can offset the alkaline treatments.
Hopi Indians in Arizona
You may wonder what a tribe of Native Americans in Arizona have in common with cancer therapy, but studies have shown that the Hopi Indians have a cancer percentage of 1 in 1,000 as opposed to any other area in the United States, which is 1 in 4. Studies show that the soil in their endemic area is volcanic, so it contains high doses of cesium. Their soil is also high in rubidium, which is also used in place of cesium. Scientists have been studying their diet for its rich alkaline content.
Side Effects
Although direct injection of cesium chloride has been used in humans, scientists are unsure of intravenous therapies with the treatment. Side effects have been noted with patients who are especially sensitive to nausea and stomach ulcers. Diarrhea is also common in patients who take vitamin C supplements.
Other Uses
In addition to cancer therapy, scientists have found that cesium chloride has additional uses. It's currently studied as a viable source for stimulating nerve growth. Additionally, the drug is useful in correcting heart arrhythmias, and it's used to treat manic depressives.