Alternative Treatment for Multiple Myeloma
Vitamins, Herbs and Diet
It has been known for a long time that some herbs are beneficial for the body, like echinecea and such. And while such herbs and supplements can be great at boosting the immune system and help the body fight against multiple myeloma, they can sometimes cause interactions with other cancer medications. Before you start a new diet or vitamin regimen, consult with your doctor to make sure it is compatible with any other cancer treatments you're undergoing.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is one potential way to deal with multiple myeloma. No studies have been done on its effectiveness, but many forms of touch therapy quicken the immune system and reduce stress--both vital factors in battling cancer. You might also find benefit in acupuncture and acupressure. These two treatment methods have not had significant studies done on them, but they have shown to be effective in some cases, especially in helping people control stress and develop a more positive outlook, which are essential for becoming well.
Another form of alternative treatment that's proven to be effective in the treatment of multiple myeloma is mediation and visualization. The ability to quiet the "chatter" in your mind and focus on one thing--relaxation, perhaps, or even healing--you do yourself a lot of good. Not only will you find yourself with more energy, you also will make your body more receptive to treatment of other types that may be more traditional.
A lot of people find comfort and strength in spiritual endeavors when battling multiple myeloma. Whether that be in the form of religion or just a general connectedness with the universe depends on the individual. However, many people derive the strength to get through a tough period, like dealing with cancer, from spiritual healing.
Stem Cell Transplant
Stem cell transplants are based on real science, and while the other alternative treatments mentioned so far have been more mental, emotional and spiritual, this treatment option is physical. Patients receive a stem cell transplant from a healthy donor, which can then replace blood cells that have been severely damaged by traditional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. Multiple transplants can be performed so that the patient can received very high doses of traditional treatments. It's a much more aggressive way to treat this kind of cancer.