About Upper Esophagus Cancer
This cancer is generally asymptomatic in the early stages. Later, a patient will have difficulty swallowing, followed by a chronic sore throat, vomiting and bouts of coughing up blood.
Esophageal cancer exists as squamous cell carcinoma if the inner lining is cancerous (most common in the upper section of the organ), or adenocarcinoma if a deeper layer of cells become diseased.
The causes of cancer of the upper esophagus have not been definitively determined, but many physicians believe persons with regular acid reflux are at greater risk for developing the disease.
Surgery to remove the cancerous section of the esophagus is the most common treatment. The remainder of the esophagus is then reattached to the stomach.
The American Cancer Society projects a 60 percent five-year survival rate if the disease is caught early, but only 15 percent if it's at stage III, and below 5 percent if in stage IV.