What Causes Cancer of the Esophagus?
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages consumed in heavy amounts over a long period of time can cause inflammation of your esophagus and lead to esophageal cancer.
Mouthwashes such as Listerine and Scope that contain alcohol may irritate your throat and cause esophageal and oral cancer if swallowed or used for a long period of time.
Using any type of tobacco product can cause squamous cell carcinoma of your esophagus, and your risk increases if you use both tobacco and alcohol.
Low Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that can cause esophageal cancer if you have deficient levels; eating whole grains, nuts and fish can provide sufficient amounts of selenium.
Vitamin Deficiencies
Diets low in vitamin A, C and B-1 may cause cancer of the esophagus; eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can provide you with sufficient levels of these vitamins.
Chronic exposure to acid is a complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that may cause cancer of your esophagus.
Medical Conditions
Medical conditions including unusual growths of skin in the esophagus (tylosis) and weakening of the esophageal sphincter (achalasia) may cause esophageal cancer.