How to Gain Weight After Esophogeal Cancer
Things You'll Need
- Nutrient-rich foods Light weights
Talk with your doctor about which foods are recommended after esophageal cancer and which are restricted. Typically, foods that are difficult to swallow or digest and foods that may cause acid reflux should be avoided. This may include fried, sugary and spicy foods, as well as soda and processed meats.
Choose high-calorie, nutrient-rich foods. When you have difficulty eating, it's important that every mouthful is packed with nutrition. Taking your dietary restrictions into account, list some nutrient-rich foods you enjoy such as beans, legumes, whole grains, berries, eggs, tuna, salmon, lamb and chicken, and also dairy if you can tolerate it.
Plan your menu around small meals and frequent snacks. A large meal can feel like a chore, leading you to skip meals. Because small meals are easier to eat, you're likely to eat more overall. Small meals are also less likely to cause acid reflux, a concern after esophageal cancer.
Consider nutritional energy drinks. These canned drinks provide concentrated energy in the form of carbohydrates and fat. They also supply significant amounts of nutrients that can help your body repair itself, such as B vitamins, magnesium and zinc. If you suffer from painful swallowing or nausea, these drinks provide a tolerable meal substitute.
Use psychology to boost your appetite if pain while eating has put you off food. Add aromatic herbs to foods to create tempting smells. Use red or yellow plates, rather than blue or green, to stimulate your appetite. Make mealtimes more enjoyable by eating with friends or family and listening to upbeat music.
Start a moderate workout routine. Exercise can improve your circulation, which speeds healing. Lightweight lifting is also important if you want to gain weight after esophageal cancer. Healthy weight gain is primarily muscle mass, and muscles must be exercised in order to grow. If you consume calories but don't exercise, you stand to gain only unhealthy fat.
Get sufficient sleep. The body repairs damaged tissues in the digestive tract and rebuilds lost muscle mass not during exercise, but during sleep. Sleeping at least eight hours a night encourages fast recovering and healthy muscle and weight gain.