Cancer Facts
Second only to heart disease, cancer kills over 1.4 million Americans annually, and one in three people will experience cancer in their lifetime.
Eighty percent of insured cancer patients exhaust their insurance benefits before the treatment is complete.
Most cancers affect those over the age of 55; in fact, 75 percent of all cancers occur in the age range of 55 to 75 years.
Cancer rates have increased by almost 45 percent since 1950, especially for melanoma, breast, colon, testicular, prostate, myeloma, kidney, and certain lymphomas.
The cost of cancer to Americans is over $110 billion each year, and that number is growing.
Risk Factors
Risk factors include smoking, carcinogens, poor nutrition, sunlight, radiation, age, heredity, obesity, and certain hormones, bacteria and viruses.
Minority and Poor Women
Poor and minority women typically do not undergo cancer screening tests such as mammograms and Pap smears.