How to Fight Cancer and Win
Keep an open mind. Try to focus on the positive aspect of every form of treatment you have to endure. For instance, chemotherapy could be considered a form of torture. Look at it instead as a helpful therapy that is working hard to rid your body of damaging cells.
Follow your doctor's instructions. This may sound simple, but some things that your doctor asks you to do may be challenging. Remember that even if you have some minor inconveniences, dealing with those temporarily may very well save your life or drastically improve your quality of life.
Lean on loved ones. Having a good support system when you battle cancer is a must. Your loved ones can help you physically and emotionally during trying times. Ask for help when you need it.
Eat a balanced diet. Keeping up your strength when you are fighting cancer is necessary. The better your diet, the better you will feel. Keep in mind that sometimes, you may have to force yourself to eat.
Stay moving if possible. Cancer, like many diseases, can drain your energy. Try to keep up at least a light exercise program. Make sure that you have your doctor's approval before you begin an exercise program.
Pray. If you believe in a higher power, pray for healing from your cancer. You can also pray that your higher power's will be done with your cancer.