How to Diagnose Cancer of the Esophagus
Get regular screening tests if you have a diagnosis of Barrett's esophagus or tylosis and are at a high risk for esophageal cancer.
Plan to have an esophagoscopy so the doctor can use a thin tube with a tiny camera to examine the inside of your esophagus. This allows your doctor to check for masses and take tissue samples for analysis.
Expect to have a barium swallow test. You'll be required to drink thick liquid barium, followed by a series of x-rays to examine your esophagus. This test can help diagnose esophageal cancer, but more tests are necessary to detect whether the tumor has spread to lymph glands or other organs.
Prepare to have tests for the staging process if cancer is present, to determine whether the cancer has spread and where. Staging also helps your doctor decide the best treatment course to follow. Tests for this process may include a bronchoscopy, a computerized tomography (CT) scan, an endoscopic ultrasound and possibly a positron emission tomography (PET) scan.