How to Begin a Macrobiotic Diet for Cancer
Change the factors that lead to cancer. Since illness is a sign of imbalance in the body, according to Dr. Michio Kushi in "The Macrobiotic Approach to Cancer," you need to treat cancer with a holistic (mind, body, spirit) approach. The macrobiotic diet helps to restore balance through adjustments in diet, lifestyle and way of thinking.
Study the macrobiotic principles. Make sure you understand what they involve and whether you want to implement them in your life. Following the macrobiotic diet means making lifestyle changes; it's not a one-day event.
Stock your pantry and refrigerator with the right foods. This diet involves the consumption of whole grains, such as brown rice, barley, millet and buckwheat among many others. Vegetables make up about 25 to 30 percent of a person's daily food intake, while beans make up 10 percent of the daily food intake. Having the right foods at home will make it easier to begin and stay on the diet.
Prepare macrobiotic meals daily. There are no processed meats, microwavable frozen meals or fast food. You need the willingness to take the time required to shop for and prepare the meals. Keep in mind that this diet involves tailoring foods according to the type of cancer or illness; your macrobiotic dietitian can help you do this.
Eat your meals with appreciation and chew the food properly. Macrobiotic eating involves more than eating to satisfy hunger. The basis for this diet is principles that promote optimal circulation of natural energies in the body.
Commit yourself to living the life you want using macrobiotic principles as your guide. Macrobiotics involves your view of life in this world. Its purpose is to support you being in the world in a healthy and happy way. You're ready to begin the diet if you determine that you can incorporate these steps into your life.