How to Use Fish Oil to Prevent Cancer
Know that researchers found that a diet rich in fish oil had a significant lowering affect on cancers in animals as compared to high corn oil diets or low-fat diets.
Expect fish oil to boost your immune system and change your hormone profile. This may be especially helpful in hormone-related cancers such as breast cancer.
Take fish oil to prevent cachexia, the malnutrition caused by cancer. More than 40 percent of cancer patients die from this weakness and emaciation. A diet rich in fish oil increases muscle mass and decreases the loss of body weight.
Eat a diet rich in fatty fish. Try grilling or baking salmon or mackerel to get more fish oil in your system.
Supplement your diet by taking fish oil every day. It comes in soft gel and capsule form. You can find a product that contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, combining flax, fish and borage oils.