How to Lower Chances of Getting Cancer
Eat five servings of fruits and vegetable, three servings of whole grains each day and limit your intake of additives and preservatives found in processed foods and meats. Focus on fruits and vegetables that have the most color because these have a higher amount of nutrients and antioxidants, helping you stay healthy and keep cancer at bay.
Stay active and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise for 30 minutes five or more days a week. Take stairs whenever possible and walk instead of drive. Exercise helps control your weight while at the same time controlling hormones linked to cell and tumor growth.
Apply sunscreen every day to reduce your risk of skin cancer, the most common form of cancer. Be sure to use sunscreen year round, not just in the summer.
Visit your doctor every year for an annual physical to allow your doctor to review any changes in your health. Let your doctor know about any history of cancer in your family.
Quit smoking. Smoking can increase your risk of lung cancer and it also increases the chance of those closest to you developing lung cancer.
Limit your alcohol consumption. Drink one alcoholic beverage a day to lower your risk of colon and breast cancer.