How to Explain Cancer to a Child
Think about what and how you are going to say to her. Practice both in your head and verbally before you broach the subject.
Pray for strength and for the right words to use to tell him what's happening to his body. Have a trusted adult with you for emotional support when you talk to him. Remember to explain it in small steps and that the process may need to be repeated again.
Assure her that it is not her fault and explain the causes of her cancer to her. Reassure her that you will be there for her and that you will never leave her.
Tell him the procedures that he will be undergoing. Use cancer related vocabulary to describe the treatment as this will ease his anxiety when he hears the words used among the doctors and hospital staff.
Explain to her that she will undergo some pain with the treatment but that the doctors are there to help her feel better and make her pain as minimal as possible.
Share your feelings with him about how you feel and encourage him to do the same. Keep your conversations open.
Keep a cheerful countenance even though this may be hard for you. Remember your outward expressions can affect how she feels as well.
Seek a support group to join for both your child and yourself.