How to Prevent Uterine Cancer
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet connection
Become Familiar With Uterine Cancer Risk Factors
Find out the details of your family's medical history. Cancer has been shown to be somewhat hereditary, so this is a critical risk factor.
Learn about the primary risk factors associated with uterine cancer. Top triggers include previous pelvic radiation therapy, race (African-American women are twice as likely to develop the disease), obesity, some forms of hormone therapy and infertility.
Find out which preexisting health issues can also cause uterine cancer. Examples include diabetes, early menstruation (before age 12) and delayed menopause (after age 52).
Help Prevent Uterine Cancer With Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Realize that there are no surefire ways to prevent uterine cancer. You can only take steps to aid your overall health, but there are no guarantees.
Work hard to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle full of nutritious foods and regular exercise. It's been proven that individuals who are active have a much lower risk of contracting any form of cancer.
Consider halting the usage of birth control and other hormone therapies, as these have been associated with uterine cancer.