How to Prevent Kidney Cancer
Kidney cancer occurs when one or both of the body's kidneys become infected with cancerous cells. Treatment options are varied and include everything from chemotherapy to removal of the infected organs. While doctors still don't know exactly what causes most cancers, there are risk factors associated with the illness and some are specific to kidney cancer. Find out if you're at risk and start taking action today to help prevent the contraction of kidney cancer.Things You'll Need
- Internet connection
- Computer
Discover the Risk Factors for Kidney Cancer
Find out if your lifestyle leaves you at risk for kidney cancer. Factors that increase your chances of contracting the disease include smoking, obesity, sedentary patterns and occupational exposures to certain chemicals.
Be particularly aware if your family has a history of cancer. This will naturally put you more at risk.
Ask your doctor if any of the medications you're currently taking could increase your risk for kidney cancer. Some drugs, such as the no longer available Phenacetin, have been linked to kidney cancer.
Know that, according to the American Cancer Society, kidney cancer is twice as common in men as in women.
Do Your Part to Prevent Kidney Cancer
Stop smoking if you are currently a smoker.
Maintain a healthy weight for your age, gender and height.
Keep your blood pressure low through a healthy diet and frequent exercise.
Eat adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables.
Avoid exposure to large amounts of harmful substances like asbestos, solvents and cadmium.
Monitor your blood pressure. Elevated levels can also contribute to the contraction of kidney cancer.