Borderline Ovarian Cancer Tumor
Dr. Taylor was the first doctor to describe ovarian tumors that were supposed to be semi-malignant, yet their treatment had more positive results when compared to the treatment of other cancers of the ovary. It was only in the 1970's that these borderline tumors were recognized as a separate subset of ovarian cancers by the WHO.
There are 2 common types of borderline ovarian cancer tumors; mucinous and serous borderline ovarian cancer tumors of the intestinal type.
Frequency of Tumors
Only 1.8 percent of women contract ovarian tumors. This condition can be brought on by smoking, uses of contraceptives, menarche and inherited tendencies toward ovarian cancer.
It is difficult to diagnose and detect borderline tumors of the ovary until they show themselves in abdominal distention and pain. Many patients do not feel any symptoms.
Surgical removal of the tumors is advised after the diagnosis is done. Biopsies can also be a part of the initial treatment, but postoperative treatment is still being researched by doctors.