How Fast Does Ovarian Cancer Spread?
Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer occurs in the ovaries when healthy ovarian cells begin to multiply abnormally. This abnormality produces tumors in one or both ovaries. Unfortunately, there are no significant symptoms of the disease at this point. Nausea, fatigue or indigestion that usually accompany the disease are often confused with other health conditions. By the time more severe symptoms are noticeable, such as pelvic and back pain, vaginal bleeding and pain during sexual intercourse, the cancer has already spread to other body organs and has done significant damage.
Ovarian cancer often develops in women with a family history of the disease. A woman with a significant family history of breast cancer also has a greater chance of developing the disease. Obesity, age and poor diet are other factors that can contribute to the onset of this loathsome condition. Menopausal women are mainly at risk, but the disease can occur in nonmenopausal women as well. Fertility drugs increase the risk of ovarian cancer.
Types of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer consists of three types, determined by the cells in which the cancer develops:
Epithelial cancer is the most common and usually occurs in women 40 and older. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, about 85 to 90 percent of all ovarian cancers stem from epithelial cells. Epithelial cells cover the surface of the ovaries.
Germ cell tumors occur in about 5 to 20 percent of ovarian cancer patients. Germ cells are cells in the ovaries from which the eggs develop. Cancer developing from these cells occurs primarily in children and adolescents.
A third type of ovarian cancer is called sex cord--stromal tumors. This type of cancer accounts for most of the hormonally active ovarian tumors. These tumors occur inside the ovaries in connective tissues. Sex cord-stromal tumors often have more specific symptoms such as vaginal bleeding and infrequent menstrual periods.
Stages of Ovarian Cancer
There are several stages of ovarian cancer:
At Stage I, the cancer cells are contained in one (or possibly both) ovaries. The cells also may be located on the surface of the ovaries or in the fluid obtained from the abdomen.
Stage II consists of cells that have spread from the affected ovary (or ovaries) to other tissues in the pelvic area. The uterus and fallopian tubes can be affected at this stage.
At Stage III, the abnormal cells have spread to tissues outside the pelvic area. The cancer cells may be located in the lymph nodes or outside the liver.
At advanced Stage IV, cancerous cells have found their way to tissues outside the abdomen. The liver, lungs and other pertinent organs are now affected.
Growth Rate of Ovarian Cancer
Although ovarian cancer can spread throughout the entire body, it usually stays in the abdomen and affects organs such as the stomach, intestines and liver. Women are encouraged to stay in tune with their bodies and have regular gynecologist visits as ovarian tumors can develop and spread very quickly. If the cancer goes unchecked, great damage is done to body organs and death is imminent.
Treatment for Ovarian Cancer
Doctors often prescribe chemotherapy as a preventative measure for ovarian cancer. Surgery is commonly recommended for women at high risk. Preventative surgery, however, does not eliminate all risks of developing the disease. There has been much discussion of late of the possibility of deterring the disease with contraceptive pills. This method, however, is not for everyone. Women should be knowledgeable of genetic disorders in their family history, seek genetic counseling and continue to have regular checkups to improve chances of averting the disease. Treatment after diagnosis of ovarian cancer includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments in specialized cases.
Survival Rate of Ovarian Cancer Patients
According to a recent medical review by the American Cancer Society, approximately 3 out of 4 women with ovarian cancer survive at least one year after diagnosis; 46 percent live at least five years. If the cancer is detected and treated before it has spread outside the ovary, there is a five-year survival rate of 93 percent. Women under the age of 65 have a greater life expectancy than their older counterparts. Patients with low-grade cancer and those treated with chemotherapy also have a greater survival rate. Woman who are diagnosed with Stage IV ovarian cancer generally are given about a 20 percent chance of survival past the next five years.