List of Foods to Prevent Ovarian Cancer
Carrots and Tomatoes
Carrots and other yellow and orange vegetables such as squash and bell peppers contain micronutrients called carotenoids. According to the American Cancer Society, consuming two half-cup servings of carotenoids per week reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is attributed with cancer-blocking capabilities. If you don't like fresh tomatoes, you can derive the same benefits from tomato sauces and even ketchup.
Celery, Red Wine and Parsley
According to a study led by Margaret Gates, ScD of the Harvard School of Public Health, printed in the September 2009 issue of Women's Health, celery may be able to prevent ovarian cancer. The vegetable contains a plant flavonoid called apigenin, which eliminates free radicals known to cause ovarian cancer.
Red wine and parsley also contains apigenin -- the same free radical buster as celery. Since excessive drinking increases your risk for ovarian cancer, stick to one glass of red wine with meals three to four times per week. Try to use fresh parsley in your cooking because it contains higher levels of antioxidants than the dried version.
Green Tea
Drinking one cup of green tea per day drastically reduces your risk for ovarian cancer. Green tea is high in an antioxidant compound called polyphenols, which have an amazing capability to ward off cancerous cells. There's no need to stop at one cup. The more green tea you drink, the more you lower your risk.
Green tea also helps people who already suffer from ovarian cancer. According to a study led by C. Binnes, et al, in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who consumed at least one cup of green tea per day had longer survival rates than women who didn't consume any green tea.