Natural Treatment for Ovarian Cancer
Genistein is a phytoestrogen, a type of chemical that occurs naturally in soy. Genistein belongs to the isoflavone group of phytoestrogens. Genistein may partially block the effects of excess estrogen. Genistein has been shown to have inhibitory effects on cancer cells and may actually enhance the effect of chemotherapy drugs. An ideal dosage has not been established.
Other isoflavones may also help to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. In addition to genistein, daidzein may also help. Daidzein also is found naturally in soy products. The herb red clover is also an isoflavone source. According to researchers at the Department of Radiation Oncology at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, isoflavones obtained from soy can reduce toxicity to healthy tissue caused by radiation treatments and inhibit signal transduction pathways that cancer cells need to reproduce. Therapeutic doses have not been established.
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, which help slow the development of ovarian cancer cells. In University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center lab tests in 2006 done on cancer cells (not on animals or humans), ginger destroyed cancer cells at a comparable rate to some chemotherapy drugs used to treat ovarian cancer. Ginger also prevented cancer cells from acquiring a resistance to cancer treatments. However, no human studies have yet been done to this effect.
Polyphenols are antioxidants. Try drinking two or more cups of tea each day to obtain a therapeutic amount of polyphenols. Both green and black tea contains them. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute published a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2005 that demonstrates encouraging evidence in support of tea drinking to build the body's defense against cancer.
Try adding shiitake mushroom to your diet to inhibit ovarian cancer. You can also purchase capsules of an extract. Though there are no conclusive studies and it is not backed by the FDA, the use of shiitake extracts has been approved in Japan for cancer therapy. You can also try reishi mushroom and maitake mushroom extracts, both of which strengthen and stimulate the immune system.
General Nutrition
Try to eat a balanced, healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. You can also take supplements. In particular, vitamins C, D, and E, selenium and lycopene may help.