How to Read CA-125 Test Results
Find CA-125 on your laboratory test report. The numerical result of the CA-125 test is listed next to the test's name.
Compare the CA-125 numerical result to the reference range, which is usually in parentheses to the right of the numerical result. If the result falls within the reference range, then the test result is normal.
Look for a highlighted or differently colored numerical result and an "(H)" or "(L) next to the numerical result." If the CA-125 test result falls outside of the reference range and is considered abnormal, the numerical result will be highlighted or printed in a different color or appear next to an "(H)" for "high result" or an "(L)" for "low result."
Speak with your doctor for interpretation of your CA-125 test results because multiple factors can cause a false high or false low CA-125 level. An abnormal CA-125 level requires further testing and evaluation by your health-care professional.