Signs & Symptoms of Ovarian Germ Cell Cancer
Digestive Issues
Digestive symptoms related to ovarian cancer can occur as early as a full year before diagnosis. These symptoms may include gas pain, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and pain during defecation. The tumor pressing on the bowels and intestines causes these digestive symptoms.
Abdominal Pain
A tumor on the ovary can cause pain in the lower abdomen. One ovary sits on each side of the uterus, so pain can be on the left, right or on both sides. This pain is felt down near the pelvis. When an ovarian tumor grows larger, pain can occur further up in the abdomen as the tumor presses on other organs and against the abdominal wall. This pain may be especially severe during sexual intercourse or urination.
Abdominal Swelling
If an ovarian tumor grows large enough, it can become evident by abdominal swelling. The tumor presses against the abdominal wall, causing the abdomen to bulge out. Damage done by the tumor can also cause swelling due to edema (fluid buildup) in the abdominal cavity. This symptom is usually noticed by patients when it appears that they are gaining weight in their abdomen, but nowhere else.
Loss of Appetite
If the tumor grows large enough, it can come into contact with and compress the stomach. When this occurs, patients can experience loss of appetite. Without room for the stomach to expand, the brain does not process the feeling of hunger properly, and the patient does not feel the need to eat.
Back Pain
Ovarian germ cell cancer causes back pain in several different ways. Just as the tumor causes abdominal pain, the compression of muscles and organs can cause pain in the back. Back pain also results from a heavy tumor in the abdomen straining the lower back muscles.
Vaginal Bleeding
A rare symptom of ovarian germ cell cancer is irregular vaginal bleeding. This bleeding is noticeably unusual, as in cases where it occurs after menopause or when a menstrual period is otherwise unexpected. An unusually long or heavy period can also signal ovarian cancer.