What Is Aggressive Ovarian Cancer?
The Ovaries
The ovaries are the primary female reproductive organs, the counterparts to the testes in males. The ovaries house developing oocytes and release eggs into the reproductive tract during the ovulation portion of the female reproductive cycle. These organs also produce estrogen and progesterone.
Aggressive Ovarian Cancer
According to Human Anatomy and Physiology, ovarian cancer is the fourth most common cancer of the reproductive system. Most occurrences are caused by an abnormal growth of epithelial cells lining the ovaries.
Aggressive ovarian tumors usually grow quickly and rapidly become metastatic, which means that the cancer cells spread beyond the ovaries. Normal symptoms of an ovarian tumor are quite general, such as dull pressure in the abdomen, pelvic pain and urinary pain. See the Reference section for the full list of symptoms.
Because symptoms are usually nonspecific, ovarian cancer can be misdiagnosed and may not be detected until the cells have spread to other parts of the body. An aggressive tumor is even more problematic because of the speed at which growth occurs.
If the tumor is detected before metastasis occurs, the surgical removal of the affected ovary and fallopian tube followed by chemotherapy can save the woman's childbearing ability. However, an advanced aggressive tumor may require removal of the entire reproductive system and even parts of the intestines, also followed by chemotherapy.