| | Cancer | Pancreatic Cancer
Stages of Pancreatic Cancer
Stage I
Stage I pancreatic cancer may present tumors, but the tumors have not spread beyond the pancreas.
Stage II
At Stage II the cancer has spread to nearby organs but has not entered the regional lymph nodes.
Stage III
Pancreatic cancer at Stage III presents tumors in the pancreas and has spread into to the regional lymph nodes, but does not show any sign of distal metastasis. The cancer may or may not have spread to nearby organs.
Stage IVA
By the time the cancer reaches Stage IVA the disease has spread to other organs including the stomach, spleen, or bowels. The regional lymph nodes are also involved but there is no sign of distal metastasis.
Stage IVB
At Stage IVB the cancer has spread to distant organs such as the liver or lungs and there is evidence of distal metastasis.