Pancreatic Cancer Stages of Death
Stage 0
In this stage, abnormal cells have just been found in the pancreas wall. These abnormal cells may become cancerous.
Stage I
In Stage I, the abnormal cells have turned into cancer and are found in the pancreas. In Stage IA, the tumor is smaller than 2 centimeters, whereas in Stage IB, it is larger than 2 centimeters.
Stage II
In Stage IIA, the cancer has spread to tissues near the pancreas. In Stage IIB, the cancer may have spread to the tissues and has spread to the lymph nodes surrounding the pancreas.
Stage III
During Stage III of pancreatic cancer, the cancerous cells have spread beyond the pancreas to nearby lymph nodes and most likely to blood vessels as well.
Stage IV
Cancer in Stage IV has spread not only to nearby tissues and lymph nodes but also to other organs in the body such as the lungs or liver. The five-year survival rate at this point is just 1 percent.