Prostate Cancer Risk & Daily Aspirin Use
Your risk for prostate cancer grows as you age. Aspirin is not a cure for prostate cancer. Taking aspirin does not guarantee you will never get prostate cancer. Instead, aspirin may slow down the growth of preexisting prostate cancer cells. Once the cancer growth slows the cells will be less likely to grow large enough to cause problems.
Aspirin interferes with an enzyme in your prostate that promotes cancer growth. This enzyme encourages your cells to divide. The enzyme also interferes with your body's natural process for destroying cells that may be in the process of turning cancerous.
Preventing a prostate cancer diagnosis is not the only way aspirin can help against prostate cancer. Aspirin may also lower your risk for a prostate cancer re-occurrence. Using a daily aspirin routine after you have completed treatment may prevent your prostate cancer from growing again.
Research into the use of aspirin to prevent prostate cancer is not finished. Time is needed before a standard of care is created for the use of aspirin in relation to prostate cancer. Regular use of aspirin can raise your risk of ulcers and strokes. Talk to your doctor before beginning a daily aspirin regimen.
Other things you can do to help lower your risk for prostate cancer include limiting the amount of red meat and animal fat you consume and taking vitamin E or selenium supplements.