Avodart Cancer Treatment
Avodart was designed to treat some of the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is an enlarged prostate gland. Avodart, or dutasteride, lowers the levels of dihydrotestosterone, which causes prostate growth.
Avodart and Cancer
Avodart has been thought to be helpful in preventing prostate cancer in men. The reason for this is its ability to shrink an enlarged prostate by lowering dihydrotestosterone, giving potential cancer cells a smaller surface area to attack.
Taking Avodart
Avodart comes in the form of soft gels and capsules, and should be taken as directed by your physician. If pills are broken at all, do not take them, as their contents can be harmful to your lips and mouth.
Side Effects
Common side effects of Avodart include a decrease in libido, ejaculate and the ability to get an erection. You may also experience breast swelling and tenderness. Severe side effects include an allergic reaction that can include swelling, rashes and difficulty breathing.
Safety Warnings
Avodart is absorbed through the skin, and pregnant women should not handle it or take it, as it is thought to be extremely dangerous to a developing fetus. For this same reason, you should wait six months before donating blood, as it remains in the bloodstream for four to six months after you stop taking it.