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Why are the fluids produced by seminal vesicle and prostate gland important?

The seminal vesicle and the prostate gland are two accessory sex glands in the male reproductive system that contribute to the composition of semen. The fluids produced by these glands play crucial roles in the overall functioning of the male reproductive system and fertility. Here's why they are important:

1. Seminal Vesicles:

- Volume and Consistency: The seminal vesicles produce approximately 60% of the total semen volume. This significant contribution enhances the overall volume and consistency of semen, allowing for easier ejaculation and transport of sperm.

- Fructose: Seminal fluid is rich in fructose, which is a primary source of energy for the sperm. Sperm cells heavily rely on fructose to fuel their motility and viability, allowing them to swim efficiently and reach the female reproductive tract.

- Prostaglandins: Seminal fluid also contains prostaglandins, which are lipid compounds involved in various physiological processes. Prostaglandins help in stimulating uterine contractions and cervical dilation during ejaculation, facilitating sperm transport.

2. Prostate Gland:

- Alkaline pH: The prostate gland secretes a milky, alkaline fluid that makes up around 25% of the semen volume. The alkaline nature of the prostatic fluid helps to neutralize the acidic environment of the vagina, creating a more favorable environment for sperm survival.

- Citric Acid: Prostatic fluid contains citric acid, which provides an acidic environment within the semen initially. Citric acid helps liquefy the seminal coagulum, a thick gel-like substance that is present after ejaculation. Liquefaction enables sperm to swim freely and improves their motility.

- Enzymes: The prostate gland produces several enzymes, including acid phosphatase, which plays a role in the metabolism of sperm and seminal fluid. Additionally, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is an enzyme produced by the prostate gland, and its levels can be used as a marker for prostate health and screening for prostate diseases.

- Other Components: Prostatic fluid contains various other components, including proteins, lipids, calcium, and electrolytes. These substances contribute to the overall composition and functionality of semen, influencing sperm motility, viability, and the overall reproductive process.

In summary, the fluids produced by the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland play vital roles in semen production, composition, and functionality. They provide nourishment, protection, and support for the sperm, facilitate their transport, and create a suitable environment for fertilization. Any alterations or abnormalities in the production of these fluids can impact male fertility and overall reproductive health.

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