Can Heat and Cold Affect PSA Scores?
Heat and cold applications and treatments can have a dramatic effect upon prostate-specific antigen (PSA) scores after treatment has begun. For men, prostate cancer was the third most common cause of death and accounted for 27,360 deaths in 2009, according to Science Daily-
Signs and Symptoms
As the most common type of cancer that all men, and especially African-American men are affected by, there are certain signs of the disease to be aware of. Prostate cancer symptoms exist if you notice blood in urine, have to urinate frequently at night or have an urgent need to urinate, according to the Northwest Urology Clinic.
Cryoablation. Treatment
Cryosurgery cold treatment known as cryoablation has been successful in reducing PSA score levels in men who have received the treatment. Cryoablation involves the insertion of a tube in the urethra that eventually reaches -20 centigrade of continuous freezing, "to guarantee destruction of the tissue, and PSA score levels were reduced based on the treatment," according to the Mayo Clinic.
Heat Treatment
Heat treatments have a proven positive impact in reducing PSA scores. First, the use of a high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) device that exposes the treatment area with a split beam has proven successful. After 13.5 months there were lower PSA scores. Another successful PSA score reduction heat treatment has been the use of microwave thermal abalation along with thermotherapy sessions.