| | Cancer | Prostate Cancer
How to Keep My PSA Low
Eat lycopene-rich foods. Studies suggest that even small amounts of lycopene, such as in tomatoes, contribute to lowering PSA levels significantly. Lycopene-rich foods include tomatoes, papaya, apricots, pink grapefruit, and watermelon.
Get regular PSA-level testing. If your doctor detects cancer cells early through PSA-testing, he can decide on a plan to help get your PSA levels under control. He may do this through prescription drugs that inhibit the enzyme that encourages prostate cell growth.
Switch to a low-fat diet supplemented with flaxseed. Some preliminary studies show that such an eating plan may keep PSA scores low. Whether you include the flaxseed or not, eating a low-fat diet seems to help lower the risk of prostate cancer.